We are looking for 100 people who want to join our team of Lifewave customers and Brand Partners, helping people get healthy physically and financially.

The Lifewave patches are the perfect vehicle to help us create the foundation for Eden Revival, which will be a global network of like-minded people who are working to rebuild our country and our world.

We want to make the world a better place, but we need our health and we need financial stability in order to do that.

There are 4 of us as of the launch of this website... we need 96 more to go to meet our goal ... will you join us?


About Me

  • Health blogger

  • Online influencer

  • Entrepreneur

  • Single mother of two

My Story

I've been a blogger, online influencer and entrepreneur for 17 years. I lost almost everything over the past decade, fighting for our freedom.

Losing most of my family and friends and being censored online taught me an important lesson -- that building community is everything.

It's not enough to have family. Because families can be split apart. We need a community of like-minded people who support each other.

When we come together as a community and support each other, the government can't take over and oppress us. If a large enough percentage of us were financially free, the system never could have locked us down in 2020.

The reason more people couldn't speak out is because we are so dependent. That can never happen again.

Why I Joined Lifewave

I knew from the moment I first saw a testimonial about Lifewave patches, back in 2022, that this was a revolutionary technology. I didn't know what it was or how it worked, but I had an intuitive feeling that I had to have it. Somehow I knew this technology was going to change the world.

Thirty years ago, in my late twenties, I started doing network marketing part-time. I was just out of college, working as a digital advertising executive in Silicon Valley. In the evenings and on weekends, I was promoting magnetic energy products that were changing people's lives.

It was then that I found out that there was something to "frequency" or "energy" medicine. We know we humans are energetic, electrical beings. It only makes sense that by changing our frequency, we can improve our health and even extend our lifespans. And that's truly exciting.

That's also when I realized that network marketing is the future. A few hundred years ago, most Americans owned land and had farms that could support their families. Now we are completely dependent on the government and international corporations, to the point that we are essentially slaves.

As I like to say, "Network marketing is the new farming."

Every human being should have the ability to create passive income to provide for their families and free them of forced servitude to an evil system controlled by a small number of psychopaths.

This is the way to create a truly free society, which is our birthright, given to us by God.


Cape Charles, Virginia

About Me

  • Entrepreneur

  • Artist, craftsperson

  • Mother of two

For the last 25 years, I have been an entrepreneur and a mom. I've had my share of health challenges:

  • Autoimmune condition

  • Breast cancer diagnosis (lumpectomy surgery found no cancer, thank goodness)

  • Constant stress running a manufacturing company while raising two kids

  • The death of their dad / my husband (from cancer no less)

Why I Joined Lifewave

I have searched every corner of the internet for things that improve health.  My journey led me to partner with Ann Marie and Lifewave, as I firmly believe in the transformative potential of their technology.

Over the past several months, utilizing Lifewave patches has been nothing short of a revelation. Not only have I experienced significant improvements in my nervous system and thyroid, but my physical strength and muscle mass have also seen remarkable enhancements.

At 55, I see so many great things ahead of me, and I want to be able to fully participate in my future with a body that feels great.  

If you, like me, have found yourself prioritizing the care of others over your own well-being, if you yearn for a life that fosters genuine connections and abundant health, then I invite you to join our journey.

Together, as part of an exceptional team, we can carve a path towards greater time and financial freedom. Come, be a part of our community — we warmly welcome you.


Knoxville, Tennesee

About Me

  • Farmer

  • Entrepreneur

  • Patriot

  • Mother of one

When my son was two years old, I faced an overwhelming health crisis that turned my world upside down.

I fell severely ill, suffering from a miscarriage and becoming bedridden.

The most alarming symptom was the intense brain inflammation, which led to seizures and even robbed me of my ability to read.

In desperation, I embarked on the conventional medical journey, visiting countless doctors and trying numerous medications. Over the span of two years, I consulted with more than 40 specialists, yet none could provide the relief or answers I so desperately needed.

For the next decade, I traveled around the globe, exploring every avenue that could offer a path to healing. My journey took me from the intricate practices of European Biological Medicine to the individualized approaches of Constitutional Homeopathy, and even to the time-honored traditions of ancient Chinese medicine.

Each modality provided its own unique insights and benefits, contributing to my ongoing quest for wellness. Owning and operating a pasture-based farm, where physical fitness is not just beneficial but essential, meant that finding effective treatments was paramount.

Why I Joined Lifewave

Recently, I began using Lifewave’s X39 patches and was amazed by the immediate change I noticed in my energy levels and overall well-being. The patches have become a vital part of my health regimen, supporting my active lifestyle and helping me maintain the stamina needed for farm life.

I'm genuinely excited to continue using these products and to share my experiences with others. Affordable, at-home treatments like the Lifewave patches offer a promising way to promote healing and wellness, empowering individuals to take charge of their health in a natural and effective manner.

I hope my story resonates with you and sparks your curiosity about Lifewave patches. They’ve made a significant difference in my life, and I believe they can do the same for you. If you're looking for a natural and effective way to support your health, I encourage you to give Lifewave a try.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

About Me

  • Wife

  • Mother to five daughters

  • Grandmother of three

  • Entrepreneur (started a cleaning company so my husband could go to law school)

My Story

I’m Carmen. I have an amazing husband of 29 years, 5 beautiful daughters, and 3 incredible grandchildren.

I’ve been on a natural health journey since my third daughter was born and I started to question our healthcare system. I began researching and seeking alternative remedies and treatments that were best for my family.

Why I Joined Lifewave

Through this journey I realized just how many lies we’ve been told about health! This led to a passion and a mission to not only help my family but to help others.

Since recently starting the LifeWave patches, I’ve already noticed an increase in energy and better clarity. This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to experience all the benefits to come.

These patches have changed lives and I’m so grateful for the opportunity that God has placed in my life to be able to take wellness and financial independence to the next level. My commitment to help others is a driving force and I’m so excited to part of a community sharing the same passion.

Help me help you... with Lifewave phototherapy patches.

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Got questions? Join us on a zoom call to learn more about the patches and the business model.


Interested in ordering but need help? Click below to schedule a free private phone consultation.


Not ready to get started with the patches yet? Click to enter our free giveaway for a chance to win free patches.


Want to do a deep dive on how to detox and heal? Join my online class. It's free for a limited time.


LifeWave products are only intended to maintain or encourage a general state of health or healthy activity and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or medical condition of the body. The content provided by LifeWave is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new heath regimen, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you.

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