• Are you suffering from chronic pain or other health issues?

  • Are you struggling to make ends meet?

  • Do you wish you could do more to help the people you love?

I’m looking for 100 people who want to change the world. Are you one of them?

Hi, I'm Ann-Marie Michaels

When I was 25, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I healed myself with diet and nutrition. I started a health blog in my thirties when my first child was born.

A year later, I founded the largest network of natural health blogs in the world. Within 5 years,  we grew to 1,000 blogs and made our first million dollars in annual revenue.

Of course, that's when we were targeted and shut down by the deep state 3-letter agencies. They don't like it when you tell people how to get healthy and wealthy. So they had to try to destroy us.

As a result, I lost almost everything:

  • My marriage of 17 years

  • Most of my family and friends

  • All my social media (still banned)

  • 95% of my income

  • My home

  • My life savings


But you know what? I don't regret a thing. Because telling the truth is more important than anything.

Having children has been the greatest joy of my life. Helping people get healthy and make money online is second.

So I'm not going to quit. In fact... It's time to do it again.

But I can’t do it alone. I need your help.

Because there is strength in numbers.


That's how we created a revolution 10 years ago.

One by one, we grew, until we became a massive force on this planet. A small group of women and moms (and dads) created a healthy food revolution that rocked the entire Big Food, Big Pharma and Big Medical Industrial Complex to its core.

When we started blogging back in 2007, nobody knew about raw milk and why it was good for you. They had never heard of grass-fed beef, coconut oil, or bone broth.

Within 5 short years, all of these things became household words.

Me with raw milk dairy farmer, Blaine McAfee


How did I get the courage to go up against this league of vile monsters? How did any of us?

I believe some of us were born for this battle. Isaiah 6:8.

I was born on the 4th of July and my last name is Michaels. St. Michael is the archangel who leads the army to kill the dragon in the Book of Revelation.

When I was a little girl, my godmother gave me a book called Swimmy.

It's the story of a little black fish who used his unique talents to help save his community from destruction.

How did they chase the big fish away?

They had to get organized and swim close together like one giant fish.

The truth is - we moms have the real power.

There are way more of us than there are of them!


I've always been a black sheep. Maybe you're a black sheep, too.

Someone who doesn't really fit in with the status quo. Someone who can't keep her mouth shut. Someone who knows the "good news" and who just has to share it.

I believe there are a lot of us who chose to be born at this time in history.

We were called.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I.
Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)


When I founded Real Food Media (later Village Green Network) in 2008, there were only two of us.

Just me and my fellow mom blogger and friend, Kelly the Kitchen Kop, who was brave enough to trust me and my crazy idea for a "health food blog network."

Actually, it was our friend Jonathan Drake's idea (thank you, Jonathan!). It takes a village.

Me with Kelly the Kitchen Kop, selling t-shirts in 2008. (I want to launch a new line of these shirts!)

Our health blog network, Real Food Media (which became Village Green Network) in 2009

The following year, we grew to five people.

And by the fifth year, we had 1,000 bloggers in the network and we made over $1.3 million in revenue.

Just moms sharing recipes and stories about how we were recovering our health with healthy food from small farms.

Village Green Network in 2012, two years before we got targeted and taken down by the Deep State.


I have a dream: to start a new online network called Eden Revival. 

This won't just be for bloggers, like our old network.

This will be for everyone.

We are going to connect farmers, small business owners, holistic healers, and online influencers with customers.

We will have local chapters in cities across the country and eventually around the world. 

Over the coming years, I want to grow Eden Revival into a massive powerhouse of a network that will save our people from destruction.


But I can't do this alone. We need to do this together.

I’m still very censored by Big Tech. I can't even get on Facebook with a VPN (I'm device-banned).

And financially, I'm at rock bottom. I lost almost everything fighting this war over the past decade.

This inflation is insane and I have two children to support as a single mother.

If you're like me, you need to find a way to make money to support your family.

My two children, the sun and moon that light up my world and keep me going each day


So, here's the plan...

Step 1: Make money while helping people heal and thrive.

Step 2: Build the Eden Revival network so we can swim together as one big fish.

Step 3: Take our world back from these monsters.

But how do we make money to get back on our feet and get this ball rolling?


God brought me something last year that is revolutionizing people's health around the world.

If you've been following me over the past couple decades, you know that I am always researching...

And after I found this product, all the pieces in the puzzle came together for me.

I'm partnering with a company called Lifewave that is manufacturing a new wearable technology called phototherapy patches.

(Keep reading to learn more below...)

This product is transforming people's health in ways that were previously unimaginable.

I'm talking about chronic pain disappearing, hair growing back, wrinkles going away, people getting out of wheelchairs and walkers, and much more.

And it's literally just patches that you wear on your body. It could not be any easier!

I know that if we join forces and swim together, we can get the word out and heal people all over the planet.


I can't do this alone. As I said above, I'm still very censored. I'm banned on most platforms.

I need your help to get the word out. Will you join me?

I'm looking for 100 people to partner with me and help me refer these life-saving products to more people.

This is just like our old health blog network 10 years ago -- marketing by word of mouth.


Now is the time to take action.

This isn't happening next year. It isn't happening next month. It's happening RIGHT NOW.

Don't miss this chance of a lifetime to be a part of the greatest revival in history.


The greatest revival of online health in the history is just around the corner.

You don't want to miss the boat.

Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or some other health problem...

Or maybe you know someone who has a health challenge....

Maybe you need a way to make passive income with a part-time online business...

Help me help you...

with Lifewave phototherapy patches.

Click one of the buttons below

to get started now.


Learn how Lifewave phototherapy patches are changing people's lives...

Click the links below to learn how the patches work, and how you can save the most money when you order and how you can even earn passive income...


Can these phototherapy patches help you? Most likely, the answer is yes!

These patches help people with all kinds of issues, from alleviating chronic pain to reversing aging.

Click the link below to see before and after photos and hear testimonials from customers.


Phototherapy patches gently stimulate your skin with light,

which activates your body's own energy to support whole body wellness.

These are non-transdermal patches that help your body regenerate cells, like when you were younger.

Want to see all the patents and scientific studies? Click the link below.


A stem cell injection costs tens of thousands of dollars for a single treatment.

Lifewave phototherapy patches are an incredible bargain in comparison, even at the full retail price.

Click the link below to learn how you can save almost 50% on retail.


Want to save even more? By referring just 4 people, you can get your patches for free.

Click the link below to find out how.


Scroll down to learn more about how to get started with Lifewave patches...


Ready to jump in? Click the button below to learn how to order and save the most money.


Got questions? Join us on a zoom call to learn more about the patches and the business model.


Interested in ordering but need help?

Click below to schedule a free phone consultation.


Not ready to get started with the patches yet? Click to enter our free giveaway for a chance to win free patches.


Want to do a deep dive on how to detox and heal? Join my online class. It's free for a limited time.


LifeWave products are only intended to maintain or encourage a general state of health or healthy activity and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease or medical condition of the body. The content provided by LifeWave is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new heath regimen, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you.

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